Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My First Blog

My life today finds me in a comfortable and loving place. Gods arms are wrapped around me, and He whispers words that soothe and calm my spirit.

This is how each day begins for me. I feel that in order to live my life the way God has intended, I must start each day fresh and open to His guidance. Living my life before God means that I understand and believe that He has created me for His pleasure. Just like the pleasure I feel when I watch my son playing, eating, crawling and even sleeping. God feels the same pleasure when he watchs us, His children, living our lives day in and day out. I go about my days making constant efforts to bring pleasure to my Father. He created me the way I am, and that is good to Him. So why should I go about my life trying to fight the person or traits that I have. The things about me that I might change need to be seen as challenges given to me by my Father. He wants me to accept and learn that I am pleasing to him the way I am, and to make the best of what He has blessed me with. This means that I respect my body, my mind and my soul. I take in the best nutrition, exercise and spend time studying and learning more about the One who created me.

Many people believe that following God means that the "fun" in life stops because God's ways are not "fun". I have experienced some "fun" times in my life when I was not living a close relationship to God. But let me tell you, in the past 6 months of my life I have made a constant effort to deepen my relationship to God and He has blessed me in ways I thought were impossible. I have had more "fun" in the past few months than I have in my whole life of 31 years! In the past 2 months alone I have had 3 days that I have added to my all time list of Top 10 days of my Life! I cannot beat myself up and regret the way I have lived my past, rather I must look back and learn from the choices I made and learn from why I made those choices. EVERYTHING in our lives is a learning opportunity. First we have to see it that way! For many years I allowed myself to live as a victim to my past. The choices I made were based on the bad things I was going through because that is what I expected to keep happening to me! I finally figured out that there is more in store for me in my life, but I had to make the very hard decision to start THINKING a different way. This meant I had to evaluate who I was compared to who I knew I could be. I had to created in my mind and on paper a list of attributes that I wanted to posess. The next step was figuring out how to attain these character traits. The first thing I had to do was to emerse myself once again in the Blood of Christ and regain a ritual of study and worship. I had to make decisions about where I was living my life and the kind of people I was surrounded with. This was a difficult step. Making this step took courage-and after a few months of battle in my heart and mind, I took that step. Since that day.......my life has changed!